适逢uncle从Sarawak来到KL上课, 所以就约了ah Sham一同聚餐. ah Sham订了位于The Garden的三味日式料理, 幸好有预订, 店外可是大排长龙的.
Our Dearest Uncle Sia comin to town, so 2gether with ah Sham we 3 guys went for Shushi Zanmai which is located in The Garden. Lucky that ah Sham had book for the seat, outside the restaurant already has ard 10 ppl lining up at 7pm.
花枝天妇罗, 不是说特别, 量也少. (RM9.80)
Hanasaki Ika Tempura a.k.a fired squid, not really special n it just gives litter bit only. (RM9.80)
当然少不了刺身, 天城, 六种刺身, 包括吞拿, 三文鱼, 虾, 扇贝, 花枝及黄尾. (RM38.00)
Not 4get the shashimi, Amagi, with 6 shashimi which r tuna belly, salmon, shrimp, scallop, cuttlefish and yellow-tail. (RM38.00)
鳗丼, 香脆的鳗鱼配于白饭, 满足感十足. (S:RM15.80/L:RM26.80)
Unadon, heavenly roasted eel with rice. (S:RM15.80/L:RM26.80)
另一种的炸虾丼. Another fried prawn don.
鳗鱼寿司, 蛮不错的. (RM12.80)
Stamina Roll, which is eel shushi, not bad. (RM12.80)
漂亮的摆设, 在The Garden内算是便宜的价格, 难怪多人愿意排队. 但Uncle说排队的人应该是有病了^^
Nice design n is a quite cheap restaurant which hardly found in The Garden. Nowonder many ppl willin to wait for the seats. But uncle says those that line up mayb sick jor ^^
Our Dearest Uncle Sia comin to town, so 2gether with ah Sham we 3 guys went for Shushi Zanmai which is located in The Garden. Lucky that ah Sham had book for the seat, outside the restaurant already has ard 10 ppl lining up at 7pm.
花枝天妇罗, 不是说特别, 量也少. (RM9.80)
Hanasaki Ika Tempura a.k.a fired squid, not really special n it just gives litter bit only. (RM9.80)
当然少不了刺身, 天城, 六种刺身, 包括吞拿, 三文鱼, 虾, 扇贝, 花枝及黄尾. (RM38.00)
Not 4get the shashimi, Amagi, with 6 shashimi which r tuna belly, salmon, shrimp, scallop, cuttlefish and yellow-tail. (RM38.00)
鳗丼, 香脆的鳗鱼配于白饭, 满足感十足. (S:RM15.80/L:RM26.80)
Unadon, heavenly roasted eel with rice. (S:RM15.80/L:RM26.80)
另一种的炸虾丼. Another fried prawn don.
鳗鱼寿司, 蛮不错的. (RM12.80)
Stamina Roll, which is eel shushi, not bad. (RM12.80)
漂亮的摆设, 在The Garden内算是便宜的价格, 难怪多人愿意排队. 但Uncle说排队的人应该是有病了^^
Nice design n is a quite cheap restaurant which hardly found in The Garden. Nowonder many ppl willin to wait for the seats. But uncle says those that line up mayb sick jor ^^