Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Mother Earth

Plz Appreciate n Care For Our Mother Earth... Happy Earth Day~

Sunday, April 4, 2010


乐膳, 有几间分行, 这间位于梳邦再也. 询问过几位朋友, 每个都强力介绍, 有的甚至说吃过后不会要吃其他(@@ 夸了点吧). 二副说它提供新鲜及非常道地的日本料理. 价钱是比一般的日本料理要贵得多, 但人生终得一试.
Rakuzen has been recommended by most of my friends. They say its dishes r superb n way better than any others Japanese restaurant. My PK2 says it provides fresh n authentic Japan cuisine. The price is much higher than others, but once a while, y not?

Individual shoe rack n tools that help U to put on ur shoes without kneelin.

鞋箱的木制钥匙, 各有不同的刻度.
Wooden keys for the shoe rack, with different individual grooves on them.

Beautiful decoration.

A very thin cushion.

如嫌不够, 可以加厚.
However, U can add on if u feel uncomfortable.

还没坐下, 热手巾已经奉上.
Hot napkin is served be4 U sit down.

Very fine crockery.

因为只有倆个人, 所以只叫了三道. 第一道是鳗鱼圈. 鳗鱼鲜味十足, 入口即化. 绝对是一流 (RM28).
Cause only have two of us, we only order 3 dishes. The 1st is Stamina Roll. With a BIG roasted eel as topin, the eel is perfect (RM28)!

很大的一块鳗鱼. Yum Yum~

龙圈, 大虾+牛油果. 虾比手掌还大. 结实有嚼劲 (RM28).
Dragon Roll, king prawn + avocado, firm n scrumptious (RM28).

吃完^^. The prawn ^^.

天妇罗, 香而不腻 (RM26).
Tempura Mariawase, assorted Tempura of prawn n vege (RM26).

其它客人的小孩, 精力充沛, 走走爬爬吃吃, 动个不停.
An energetic kid that keep runnin here n there.

服务态度良好, 每个都笑容满脸, 只是添茶时会稍微慢了些.
The waiters r full of smile, only a bit slow when come to refill the tea.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

莎莎兰啦啦粥のSasaran LaLa Porridge

莎莎兰驰名啦啦粥, 坐落在路旁边, 阴暗的一角. 每晚都会爆满, 档主忙得不亦乐乎.
Sasaran famous LaLa porridge, located just beside the main road. Every nit the tauke cookin non stop.

啦啦煎, 美味小吃(RM3).
LaLa Jian, simply delicious(RM3).

吃咯~~~ Yum Yum!!!

主角啦啦粥+猪肉(RM3), 档主可是一碗碗的煮, 保证鲜味十足, 难怪客似云来.
The main co, LaLa+pork porridge(RM3), she cooks it bowl by bowl, make ur mouth full of flavour...