Friday, December 26, 2008

平平安安的夜晚のSilent 9

圣诞节, 我是没庆祝的, 但蛮喜欢这时期的气氛, 轻松, 平静, 温馨. 不知道为何, 今年的圣诞会比较冷清. 可能是没什么朋友回来吧. 本来还以为又是会呆在家里的, 静静的听Sarah的圣诞歌, 悄悄的度过又一个佳节. 结果是全家出动, 去办年货. 才哪几小时, 就用了近200了. 买不多, 只是三样东西.
X'mas, a lovely, peaceful & lonely day for me. Although I don't celebrate it, but I quite like the feeling for this special day. At 1st I thought will be same as last few years, just sitting alone at home & listen to my favorite X'mas song (this year will b Sarah Mclachlan-Wintersong), but at the end went out with my family to buy some clothes for the coming cny. In just 2 hours, i spent almost 200 for 3 things.

休闲运动鞋, RM99.
Walking shoes.

是时候换新的牛仔裤了, RM60.
It's time for me to buy new jeans.

贴身衣物, RM26+.
Somethings only my future wife can see.


prince~k said...

should i post my recent purchased goods?

ahcheap said...

yes, urs shld b happening.