Ipoh Tong Shui Gai, famous with it dessert?

Good that when we arrived still got some empty seats.
这个水果冰, 可以在很多桌上见到, 蛮受欢迎的, 而且不会太贵, RM3.50一碗. 虽然它的冰不是很幼, 但胜在有新鲜水果, 单是卖相已让人食指大动.
This "Zap Go Ping" appears almost on every table, costs us RM3.5 per bowl, quite cheap if compare with Kuantan "Man Tao Shi". Although the ice shade is quite big, but they r usin fresh fruit, not those from tin (except the laichi la).
白果腐竹意米, 最爱褒得烂成"一piak也"的腐竹. 稠稠甜甜, 滋味满口.
BakGuo FuJuk YiMai, love it cause the "fujuk" already melt in it, creamy and tasty.
摸摸查查冰, 蛮香, 但过甜.
MoMo ChaCha Ice, okay, but too sweet.
鱿鱼空心菜, 看似好吃, 但酱料不行, 淡而无味.
KangKong Squids, looked delicious, too bad the sauce spoilt everythings. It's just tasteless, I like chewin tyre.
香烤魔鬼鱼, 可能有近十年没吃烧鱼了, 所以吃的津津有味.
Ikan Bakar!! Almost 10 years I didn't eat it, yummy...
再来一盘烤花枝, 十分入味, 连四瓣豆也顶好吃的.
Sotong Bakar, can't help myself to eat it nonstop. Even the "Se Lim Tao" can make me cry T.T
Good that when we arrived still got some empty seats.
This "Zap Go Ping" appears almost on every table, costs us RM3.5 per bowl, quite cheap if compare with Kuantan "Man Tao Shi". Although the ice shade is quite big, but they r usin fresh fruit, not those from tin (except the laichi la).
BakGuo FuJuk YiMai, love it cause the "fujuk" already melt in it, creamy and tasty.
MoMo ChaCha Ice, okay, but too sweet.
KangKong Squids, looked delicious, too bad the sauce spoilt everythings. It's just tasteless, I like chewin tyre.
Ikan Bakar!! Almost 10 years I didn't eat it, yummy...
Sotong Bakar, can't help myself to eat it nonstop. Even the "Se Lim Tao" can make me cry T.T
我还以为你两公婆share share?
哼!不要在show off liao.等我有机会吃的时候,几碗都不成问题!!!
U c, 阿洁show off到喷血!
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