昨天心血来潮, 与屋友下厨做了两道菜肴招待了一班同事亲人.
Yesterday night, my housemates n I cooked two dishes to enjoy with some of our colleagues n friends.
主食, 意大利全麦面, 80%新鲜番茄+9%美级番茄酱+5%香料香菇香肠鲜虾再加6%人情味, 总算还能入口, 也符合健康原则.
Main dish, Wholemeal Spaghetti, with 80% fresh tomatoes + 9% Maggie tomato sauce + 5% herbs, mushrooms, hot dogs, prawns and lastly n is most important 6% of our love, overall this spaghetti still can say OKAY n healthy ^^
沙拉, 马铃薯泥+鲜虾奥美佳蛋, 与葱头还有加了有机亚麻子粒的美奶滋微炒, 风味独特, 滋味无穷.
Special Salad, mash potato + fresh prawns n omega eggs, slightly fried with some onions n mayo with organic flax seeds, great taste! Thumbs up!
Yesterday night, my housemates n I cooked two dishes to enjoy with some of our colleagues n friends.
主食, 意大利全麦面, 80%新鲜番茄+9%美级番茄酱+5%香料香菇香肠鲜虾再加6%人情味, 总算还能入口, 也符合健康原则.
Main dish, Wholemeal Spaghetti, with 80% fresh tomatoes + 9% Maggie tomato sauce + 5% herbs, mushrooms, hot dogs, prawns and lastly n is most important 6% of our love, overall this spaghetti still can say OKAY n healthy ^^
沙拉, 马铃薯泥+鲜虾奥美佳蛋, 与葱头还有加了有机亚麻子粒的美奶滋微炒, 风味独特, 滋味无穷.
Special Salad, mash potato + fresh prawns n omega eggs, slightly fried with some onions n mayo with organic flax seeds, great taste! Thumbs up!
是不及吃, 别走~
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