Sunday, November 30, 2008


从河内到下龙湾, 坐了接近4小时的巴士才抵达, 坐到屁股发麻. 其实不是很远, 只不过180km, 在马来西亚飞车的话应该2小时内到达. 但是越南路上限时速40km, 有时巴士甚至走20, 加上路不平, 在车上跳下跳下的, 如果你会晕车, 请先吃避晕丸.
From Hamoi to HalongBay is about 180km, sound near right? But I took around 4 hours bus to reach my hotel. Why so? Cause the bus driver only can drive 40km/h = =, and the road is very narrow and bumpy, sometime he drives 20km/h. U will shout OMG if U r that kind of person that will have car sick, so swallow some Novomin be4 U go.

抵达时已入黑, 就住进3.5星级的HalongSpring Hotel. 看来蛮不错的.
3.5-star HalongSpring Hotel, quite nice.

漂亮的下龙湾早晨, 不远处就是石林了.
Good Morning HalongBay ^^ at the far U can see the rock forest.

出河咯, 开头还以为会坐小的船, 那不是很浪漫@.@
Small sampan, romantic ho.

原来不是, 是乘搭比较大的, 可算是3★级的.
Their ships r just like 3★ hotel, big and comfortable.

豪华座位, 雕木天花板, 不错吧.
abulous seats and full of classical design.

无敌河境, 感觉好像会有UFO下降. What r U thinking? UFO?

沿途可以看到船上水果挡. U can see many hawkers selling fruits by sailing the small sampan.

下龙湾是世界奇观之一, 它拥有3000多个各式各样的小岛.
HalongBay is one of the wonders of the world. It has around 3k different shape and size of small islands.

像狗吗? Similar to a doggy?

害羞的船长. A bashful and humble captain.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


越南, 拥有8千6百多万人口, 而河内就住着1千万人了, 可说是十分的拥挤. 第一天抵达河内, 就发现越南的收费站很麻烦, 竟然要先在收费站500米前买票然后才过关.
There r more than 80m ppl live in Vietnam, for Hanoi there r already 10m, kind of crowded. The 1st day arrived at Hanoi, U can find that its tolls r way different from ours, U have to buy the pass at a station 500m before the toll!

导游说这是制造工作机会. The tour guide said that this it just to create more job opportunities.

越南大约有80%的农民, 所以你可以看到很多稻田都在大马路旁. 而他们的稻田都分成一块块的, 差不多每家一块田, 有些是自己种自己吃, 因为太穷了. 这和适耕庄的就大有不同.
More than 80% of the ppl in Vietnam r farmers, so U can see many farms just beside the main road.

适耕庄的稻田, 商业化. This is a farm in Malaysia, difference right?

河内没有地缆, 所以你一抬头就看到非常多的电缆从横交错, 就酱拉来拉去的, 十分惊人.
In Hanoi there r no underground cables, so when U look up, U can see many cables just simply hanging there, this view astounded me.

此类卖菜姑娘, 到处可见, 十分传统, 而且还用很旧式的秤-杆秤, 在大马应该中医店或旧式杂货店才用吧.
Look at her, U will not surprise to see many Vietnamese just selling the goods like this and she is using a steelyard scale, I think in Malaysia U can only found it in the chinese medicine shop or some old fashion shop.

越南大多数人以motor来代步, 所以motor骑有如走路, 不难看到motor杂技.
Most of the Vietnamese ride motor, and they ride motor like walking, it's not hard for them to play trick on it.

河内出名一种法国面包, 外脆内香, 而在离开河内的路上都可见到有人卖此类面包, 以让离开的人有手信. 导游说大约买5~6千越南币.
Hanoi is famous of its baguette (but it's short n fat), crispy crust and nice aroma. U can see many ppl r selling this kind of bread along the road to leave Hanoi. The tour guide said it sells around 5~6k VND.

是不是很干净呢, 要在大马找到应该很难吧. 越南的巴士可是要每天都洗, 不然会被罚款的. 我摸过, 真的是一尘不染.
Can U find any bus in Malaysia that is as clean as this one? Hard right? In Vietnam, U have to clean the bus everyday, if not, U will be fined.


我的第一次, 就酱给了别人. 第一次的出国, 第一次的搭飞机, 第一次的海外旅行...
This is my 1st time to go oversea, my 1st time to take flight and my 1st time to travel to other country than Malaysia...
马来西亚先进的出境法, 1分钟完成, 只需你的护照及拇指.
Malaysia advance technology, U only need ur passport and thumb, all done in 1 minute.

T5入口, 亚航的飞机没我想象中的大, 果然是airbus.
The plane is not what I imagined, kind of small actually, no wonder it's called airbus.

再见了, 马来西亚. C ya Malaysia!!

美丽的云海. Haven?

谁说飞机餐不好吃? 特制意大利式烟醺鸡肉三文治, 非常香的鸡肉. RM9.
Who told me that the food on plane is sux? Smoked Chicken Focaccia, the ham has a nice aroma. RM9.

抵达越南时, 天色已黑了. Nice view huh...

越南机场. Vietnam airport.

Friday, November 7, 2008


吃过这种菜吗? 它是金针花或萱草的花蕾, 在金马伦盛产. 味道及口感都蛮不错. 可是竟然吃了过后立刻有呕吐及腹泻的情况出现. 泻, 是泻水, 而且是源源不断, 哗啦啦的泻. 当时还以为是食物中毒. 但经过一番考察, 才知道新鲜的金针花必须要经过开水焯制并用冷水浸泡后才能食用, 不然会产生一种叫秋水仙碱的剧毒而造成呕吐及腹泻.
These are the veg U may eat sometime and they are freshly came from Cameron Highland. They are called DayLily. They got a nice aroma and taste quite good, but after my housemate n I ate some of them, we started to vomit and cirit-birit berair (not berdarah). After seaching some info on the net, I only know that these veg need to be boil for a while and soak in cold water before u cook them. If not they will produce a poison that is called Colchicine that can cause cathartic and emetic. So, think twice before U eat if Ur lover cook them for U...