吃过这种菜吗? 它是金针花或萱草的花蕾, 在金马伦盛产. 味道及口感都蛮不错. 可是竟然吃了过后立刻有呕吐及腹泻的情况出现. 泻, 是泻水, 而且是源源不断, 哗啦啦的泻. 当时还以为是食物中毒. 但经过一番考察, 才知道新鲜的金针花必须要经过开水焯制并用冷水浸泡后才能食用, 不然会产生一种叫秋水仙碱的剧毒而造成呕吐及腹泻.
These are the veg U may eat sometime and they are freshly came from Cameron Highland. They are called
DayLily. They got a nice aroma and taste quite good, but after my housemate n I ate some of them, we started to vomit and cirit-birit berair (not berdarah). After seaching some info on the net, I only know that these veg need to be boil for a while and soak in cold water before u cook them. If not they will produce a poison that is called
Colchicine that can cause cathartic and emetic. So, think twice before U eat if Ur lover cook them for U...
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