Sunday, November 23, 2008


越南, 拥有8千6百多万人口, 而河内就住着1千万人了, 可说是十分的拥挤. 第一天抵达河内, 就发现越南的收费站很麻烦, 竟然要先在收费站500米前买票然后才过关.
There r more than 80m ppl live in Vietnam, for Hanoi there r already 10m, kind of crowded. The 1st day arrived at Hanoi, U can find that its tolls r way different from ours, U have to buy the pass at a station 500m before the toll!

导游说这是制造工作机会. The tour guide said that this it just to create more job opportunities.

越南大约有80%的农民, 所以你可以看到很多稻田都在大马路旁. 而他们的稻田都分成一块块的, 差不多每家一块田, 有些是自己种自己吃, 因为太穷了. 这和适耕庄的就大有不同.
More than 80% of the ppl in Vietnam r farmers, so U can see many farms just beside the main road.

适耕庄的稻田, 商业化. This is a farm in Malaysia, difference right?

河内没有地缆, 所以你一抬头就看到非常多的电缆从横交错, 就酱拉来拉去的, 十分惊人.
In Hanoi there r no underground cables, so when U look up, U can see many cables just simply hanging there, this view astounded me.

此类卖菜姑娘, 到处可见, 十分传统, 而且还用很旧式的秤-杆秤, 在大马应该中医店或旧式杂货店才用吧.
Look at her, U will not surprise to see many Vietnamese just selling the goods like this and she is using a steelyard scale, I think in Malaysia U can only found it in the chinese medicine shop or some old fashion shop.

越南大多数人以motor来代步, 所以motor骑有如走路, 不难看到motor杂技.
Most of the Vietnamese ride motor, and they ride motor like walking, it's not hard for them to play trick on it.

河内出名一种法国面包, 外脆内香, 而在离开河内的路上都可见到有人卖此类面包, 以让离开的人有手信. 导游说大约买5~6千越南币.
Hanoi is famous of its baguette (but it's short n fat), crispy crust and nice aroma. U can see many ppl r selling this kind of bread along the road to leave Hanoi. The tour guide said it sells around 5~6k VND.

是不是很干净呢, 要在大马找到应该很难吧. 越南的巴士可是要每天都洗, 不然会被罚款的. 我摸过, 真的是一尘不染.
Can U find any bus in Malaysia that is as clean as this one? Hard right? In Vietnam, U have to clean the bus everyday, if not, U will be fined.


Anonymous said...

The Vietnamese are having their graveyards on the paddy field..
Got see that along the way to Halong Bay?

ahcheap said...

Ya, but I dare not take the photo. U remind me of this, later I update.