Thursday, April 30, 2009

港尾海鲜楼★Bagan Seafood Restaurant

前几天补完习已经7.30pm, 屋友及我也都饿扁了. 载了月云后, 竟然不知道要吃什么. 大家一面北上一面想, 最后过了30分钟, 就到达了瓜雪.
Few days ago, it's already 7.30pm after my tuition class , my housemates n me r starving. After picked up ah Hoon, we cant decide what to eat! So while drivin n thinkin, we reached Kuala Selangor after 30min.

港尾海鲜楼, 位于岸边, 可以一面吃一面欣赏平静的海岸及马路和蚊子是
(- -lll). 这里的气氛还蛮舒服, 价钱也公道, 8个人6道菜, RM110左右.
Bagan Seafood Restaurant, just at the bay, U can enjoy the serenity of the seaside and the road (--lll) and of cause the irritatin insects! Anyhow, it's quite comfortable here and the cost also is resonable, we 8 persons for 6 dishes cost us around Rm110.

因为太饿了, 所以先叫了个鱼圆汤, 普普通通, 有点咸.
Due to we r almost starve to death, we odered a FishBall Soup. Tasted "ma ma dei" and a bit salty.

咸蛋炒虾菇, 金黄色的虾菇, 咸香入味, 赞!
Fried Salty Eggs with Mantis Prawn or "XiaGu", muz try!

太爱这里的清蒸大虾, 大虾混与鸡蛋一起蒸, 可以同时吃到虾的鲜味及蛋的嫩滑.
I love the Steam Big Prawn! Prawns mix with eggs and steam 2gether, givin U the sweetness of the prawns n the silkiness of the eggs.

姜蒸扇贝, 平时吃到的都是干的扇贝, 到现在才知道原来扇贝的壳蛮漂亮的.
Steamed Scallops with Gingers, normaly I eat the dry scallop n untill now I only knw that the scallop shell is quite pretty.

自制招牌豆腐, 炸至金黄, 配与美奶滋.
Selfmake Jiu Pai TouFu, fried till goldish, served with mayo.

再来一颗椰子, 清凉解渴.
A big coconut, ahaaa...

Only one thing less, the sea breeze.

Monday, April 27, 2009

洪记香港点心☆Hong Kee Tim Sum

看了哥哥的部落格, 发现了他的朋友是美食家, 介绍了许多美食点. 所以就找了一天与同事们浩浩荡荡的去Damansara找点心吃.
One day I happened to pass by my bro's blog n find out that one of his friends is a food lover. He introduced a lot of nice food spots in his blog. So I gather some of my colleagues and go to Damansara to have some dim sum.

洪记港式点心, 两间店面. 非常容易找到. 过了Damansara tol后第一个红绿灯转右直走, 就在Atria Mall附近.
Hong Kee Hong Kong Style Tim Sum, 2 shop lots, quite easy to find. After the Damansara toll, turn right at the 1st traffic light and go straight. It's just near the Atria Mall.

Once we sit down, a worker already serving some fried dishes for us to choose.

炸虾条, 新鲜大虾, 配上美奶滋, 不错.
Fried Whole Prawn, fresh and BIG prawn, dip it in the mayo, good appetizer.

生炒懦米饭, 食家强力推荐, 没有懦米鸡来得油腻, 料很多. 不过还是觉得Kuchai Lama的比较好吃.
Glutinous Rice or "Sang Chao Lo Mai Fan", strongly recomented by him, a lot of ingredients and not as oily as "Lo Mai Kai". But I prefer the1 at Kucha Lama.

芋角, 酥脆外皮, 不会太甜的馅料.
Fried Yam or "Wu Ko", crispy skin and not too sweet fillin.

炒萝卜糕, 炒得入味而且不会很油, 值得一吃.
Fried Lobak Kuih, very "yap mei" and is not too oily, must try.

外型特别的包, 看来蛮开胃.
Bao? Or??

扦开来原来是类似叉烧的馅但是鸡的, 黄色部分带有黄梨味, 应该是菠萝包吧.
Fillin is like cha xiu with chicken, the yellow part is in pineapple flavour, this should b "Bo lo Bao".

叉烧包, 一口一个.
Cha Xiu Bao, U can put it in ur mouth sekali gus.

主角出场了, 可以看sampel做选择.
Finally the main course came, U can pick whatever U want base on the samples.

烧卖, 大块鲜虾, 满口滋味, 嘿嘿.
Xiu Mai, fresh prawns all stuck in my mouth, yummy...

类似虾饺的饺子, 吃了后欲罢不休......
Somethings similar to "Shui Kao".

单看到哪虾, 已让我流口水了.
Look at the prawns! Aren't they adorable?

叫了蛮多的, 但那里够?!
Enough for today? No way...

Normally I eat this during some1's wedding, but here also have.

蛋塔, 滑溜溜的蛋馅, 香酥 外皮, 一定要吃!
Egg Tarts!! I can't resist them, they r fantastically delicious!

甜品!!荔芝豆腐布丁, 软软的布丁带点淡淡的豆腐香.
Lachi Toufu Pudding as dessert.

洪记准备了热水及碟筷叉匙辣酱甜酱, 方便顾客自助. 热水器上也贴心的提醒顾客不能用此洗手, 月云说可能真的发生过热水器当洗手盆的事吧.
Hong Kee prepared boil water and all the plates, chopsticks, forks, spoons and also the sauces for the customers. It's quite convenient. It also pasted a notice to warm ppl to b careful for not to use the boil water to wash their hands, ah Hoon said mayb some1 did use it to wash hands b4.

到底是Dim Sum还是Tim Sum?
Is that Dim Sum or Tim Sum?

八个大人, 吃得饱饱, 价钱还算便宜吧.
Total 8 persons, double our weight when come out from Hong Kee. The cost for all the stuff we swallowed quite acceptable.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

美师班のA Lesson Of Cake

上个星期六, 几位老师上山学艺, 参与小芷老师开的贵气美丽迷人爱心教师美食班 (简称美师班), 我也跟去凑热闹, 但是是在蛋糕接近完成时才到^^, 嘿嘿.
Last Saturday, was a lovely and happenin Saturday. Some of my school teachers went for a lesson about makin cakes which lectured by ah Phua, for sure. As for me, my main functions at there were lendin my tongue and takin some pics ^^, hehe.

再等的当儿, 叶老师温馨的准备了水滚汤圆沾花生碎. 嚼劲十足的汤圆, 配上香甜花生碎, 让人吃了忍不住一口接一口.
While waitin for the cake to b ready, Yap prepared some "tong yun" with crunched peanut. The "tong yun" were so "dan how" and delicious, I can't help myself to keep puttin them into my mouth.

海棉蛋糕烘好了, 当然要切一半. 在周围插上牙签, 以便切得均衡.
After the cake was baked, they poked some toothsticks round the cake so that can slice it into half equally.

在等许老师切的时侯, 小洁老师百般无聊的与切半刮空的柠檬纠缠, 大家猜一猜, 哪是什么?
While waitin Miss Khaw to slice the cake, ah Jay kept playin with the lemon, try to guess, what's that?

切好了, 还不赖吧. Job done, boleh tahan rit?

第一层, 上奶油及放水果! Cream and fruits!

After that, cover it with another half n cream again!

完成后就要装饰了. 当当当当! 漂亮的蛋糕完成了!
Wala! Here by I proudly present, the Cake!

试吃时候...... Time to have some bites...

一阵狂风扫落叶后, 漂亮的蛋糕就落此下场了......
In the twinklin of an eye, here goes the Cake...

除了蛋糕外, 美师班也做了冷乳酪蛋糕及香草冰淇淋.
Beside the cake, they also made some Chilled Cheese Cakes and Ice Cream with vanilla flavour.

柠檬口味冷乳酪蛋糕, 以消化饼碎为底层.
Chilled Cheese Cake with natural lemon flavour and crunched digestive biscuits as the base.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

一个在波德生的课程のA course at Port Dickson

参加了一个两天一夜的课程, 特地跑到去波德生, 而且是今天2.30-6.00pm报到, 隔天12.30pm就离开. 前后只有6小时的课程, 搞到酱麻烦, 酱浪费时间及金钱, 在教育界是平常事.
Just went to a 2 days 1 nit course, a waste of time & money course. This course held at Port Dickson, the daftar time is from 2.30pm till 6.00pm and dismiss at 12.30pm the next day = = . A 6 hours course and became such complicated, U can "feel" it quite often if U r a government servant.

Ilham Resort, 采用了马来传统风格, 环境优美, 凉风习习, 感觉不错.
Ilham Resort, a resort with nice scenery and weather. Whole resort is full of Malay traditional design, quite relaxin.

宽阔的客厅, 特别喜欢靠窗的部位, 微风的下午, 一本小说+香浓咖啡, 棒!
I love the big chair with the giant bolster, a relaxin afternoon with a novel n a cup of coffee, enjoy~~

沿着泳池走下去, 就会看到海滩了, 无敌蓝天, 超强海风, 只可惜海水是黑色的.
Walk along the swimmin pool U will reach the beach. Beautiful view and strong wind, too bad the sea water is in black, so dirty.

吹着海风的时候, 有一位阿嫂一面从她黄色的小桶里滔水洒在海滩上, 一面从沙里捉出一条条的东西. 走近一问, 竟然是在捉蚯蚓, 而洒的是鸡吃的饲料水.
An ah So sprinkles some water (water mixes with chicken feed) from her yellow pail at the beach and then the worms will "pou tou" liao!

夕阳无限好..... Peaceful sun a paintin.

虽然从外观看来此Resort有3-4☆, 但它所准备的食物却很一般, 有些甚至是糟. 碗碟茶杯非常的不干净, 食物残渣或口红印都还在.
Overall the reosort looks like is 3-4★, but the food they served just normal and some even sux. The dishes r dirty, U can find leftovers or lip stick mark on them.

Friday, April 10, 2009

小芷老师のah Phua

学校来了位新老师, 年纪轻轻(80年代的), 竟然是位糕点大师, 基本上任何的糕饼面包蛋糕甜点都难不倒她. 今天, 小芷老师心血来潮, 带来了两道小吃让我们尝尝.
Lately my school came a new teacher, a very young girl but is a master baker. Basically she can make any deserts, bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits and many more. This mornin ah Phua brought 2 deserts for us to taste.

幼滑香甜的巧克力+香草冰淇淋, 浓郁的巧克力和香滑的Vanilla, 不需要再等到31号或买昂贵的HD就能享受到更正的冰淇淋. (再配以二副贵气的双手, 多么的完美)
Smooth and creamy ice cream with double flavours of chocolate and vanilla. U need not to wait for 31th every few months or buy the luxury HD ice cream anymore.

班兰味马来糕, 湿度适中, 娇小玲珑, 一口一个, 满足......
Pandan flovour Ma Lai Gou, got enough moisture, smaller then usual but adorable. One time one piece, is a blessing...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


金加利, 香港茶餐室. 每次光顾都会叫它的奶茶, 红茶够浓, 鲜奶油够多, 一杯慢漫叹, 享受!
KimGary, Hong Kong style restaurant. Every time I come, I will order the teh ais. Nice aroma and strong taste of the red tea + the creaminess of the creamer, love it.

多次去都叫芝士炬饭, 这一次来点新的, 意大利面配芝士(我爱芝士^^)咖哩鸡, 味道十足, 不是很辣, 值得一试.
Normally I will order the Cheese Steam Rice, but this time lets make it difference. Curry Chicken Mushroom with Mozzarella Cheese topping (my favourite) and spaghetti, just smell it already make my mouth water. Strong taste and a bit spicy, delicious.