Monday, April 6, 2009

熏衣草面包店★Lavender Bakery

Lavender, 熏衣草面包店. 一间蛮有诚意的店, 创新创意, 经常推出不同款式口味的产品. 虽然价钱会比一般的面包店贵(以我这个穷人的衡量水平来看), 但偶尔买来慰劳自己, 绝对值得.
Lavender, a bakery shop + bistro. A shop that's full of creativity. On and on it will come out new products with different design n taste. Although the cost for every single bread/bun here is a bit higher than the usual roti shop (in my point of view as Im a damn poor man), but once in a blue moon it's worth to have a bite on them ^^

看来像木碳是吗? 没错, 这就是木碳面包! 淡淡碳烤味+松软的甜面包.
Am I a charcoal? Yes, Im a charcoal bun, with nice charcoal aroma + soft and sweet body.

红豆沙包, 油酥面皮+甜度适中的红豆馅料.
Red bean bun with pastry layout, yummy!


prince~k said...

the charcoal??? can eat? i like lavender bakery.... their mooncakes are quite good!

Hhp said...

I like their 全蛋面包~ should try the charcoal ball next time, hehe