上个星期六, 几位老师上山学艺, 参与小芷老师开的贵气美丽迷人爱心教师美食班 (简称美师班), 我也跟去凑热闹, 但是是在蛋糕接近完成时才到^^, 嘿嘿.
Last Saturday, was a lovely and happenin Saturday. Some of my school teachers went for a lesson about makin cakes which lectured by ah Phua, for sure. As for me, my main functions at there were lendin my tongue and takin some pics ^^, hehe.
再等的当儿, 叶老师温馨的准备了水滚汤圆沾花生碎. 嚼劲十足的汤圆, 配上香甜花生碎, 让人吃了忍不住一口接一口.
While waitin for the cake to b ready, Yap prepared some "tong yun" with crunched peanut. The "tong yun" were so "dan how" and delicious, I can't help myself to keep puttin them into my mouth.
海棉蛋糕烘好了, 当然要切一半. 在周围插上牙签, 以便切得均衡.
After the cake was baked, they poked some toothsticks round the cake so that can slice it into half equally.
在等许老师切的时侯, 小洁老师百般无聊的与切半刮空的柠檬纠缠, 大家猜一猜, 哪是什么?
While waitin Miss Khaw to slice the cake, ah Jay kept playin with the lemon, try to guess, what's that?
切好了, 还不赖吧. Job done, boleh tahan rit?
第一层, 上奶油及放水果! Cream and fruits!
After that, cover it with another half n cream again!
完成后就要装饰了. 当当当当! 漂亮的蛋糕完成了!
Wala! Here by I proudly present, the Cake!
试吃时候...... Time to have some bites...
一阵狂风扫落叶后, 漂亮的蛋糕就落此下场了......
In the twinklin of an eye, here goes the Cake...
除了蛋糕外, 美师班也做了冷乳酪蛋糕及香草冰淇淋.
Beside the cake, they also made some Chilled Cheese Cakes and Ice Cream with vanilla flavour.
柠檬口味冷乳酪蛋糕, 以消化饼碎为底层.
Chilled Cheese Cake with natural lemon flavour and crunched digestive biscuits as the base.
Last Saturday, was a lovely and happenin Saturday. Some of my school teachers went for a lesson about makin cakes which lectured by ah Phua, for sure. As for me, my main functions at there were lendin my tongue and takin some pics ^^, hehe.
再等的当儿, 叶老师温馨的准备了水滚汤圆沾花生碎. 嚼劲十足的汤圆, 配上香甜花生碎, 让人吃了忍不住一口接一口.
While waitin for the cake to b ready, Yap prepared some "tong yun" with crunched peanut. The "tong yun" were so "dan how" and delicious, I can't help myself to keep puttin them into my mouth.
海棉蛋糕烘好了, 当然要切一半. 在周围插上牙签, 以便切得均衡.
After the cake was baked, they poked some toothsticks round the cake so that can slice it into half equally.
在等许老师切的时侯, 小洁老师百般无聊的与切半刮空的柠檬纠缠, 大家猜一猜, 哪是什么?
While waitin Miss Khaw to slice the cake, ah Jay kept playin with the lemon, try to guess, what's that?
切好了, 还不赖吧. Job done, boleh tahan rit?
第一层, 上奶油及放水果! Cream and fruits!
After that, cover it with another half n cream again!
完成后就要装饰了. 当当当当! 漂亮的蛋糕完成了!
Wala! Here by I proudly present, the Cake!
试吃时候...... Time to have some bites...
一阵狂风扫落叶后, 漂亮的蛋糕就落此下场了......
In the twinklin of an eye, here goes the Cake...
除了蛋糕外, 美师班也做了冷乳酪蛋糕及香草冰淇淋.
Beside the cake, they also made some Chilled Cheese Cakes and Ice Cream with vanilla flavour.
柠檬口味冷乳酪蛋糕, 以消化饼碎为底层.
Chilled Cheese Cake with natural lemon flavour and crunched digestive biscuits as the base.
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