Sunday, January 31, 2010

年画与挥春のChinese Ink Paintin & Chinese Calligraphy

邻校树人华小协办挥春比赛, 我们一群学水墨画的教师们也被安排到当场现画现送年画.
Our neighbour school, Soo Jin, organised a calligraphy competition this morning. We (a group of teachers that learns Chinese Ink Paintin r invited to draw pantings as gifts to all the people that came.

现场人潮蛮多, 大家都忙昏了.
The people r gettin more n more, n we r drawin none stop.

忙里偷闲, 不忘拍张照留念. Say AB~C~~~

老师画画...... The teacher draw...

学生挥春. The pupils write.

看到了吗? 是不是很美丽? U see that? Isn't it pretty?

参赛者的功力都很深厚. All the paticipants r very good!

祝大家平安! Wish all of U healthy n happy!

欢喜地茶餐厅のFood & Tea Hong Kong Restaurant

本来以为, 当人人肚子饿的时候, 吃什么都会是好吃的. 结果想不到金河的这间餐馆的食物让我们(3个人, 在下午4时用午餐)惊讶.
I thought that when we r hungry (which we have our lunch at 4pm), whatever we consume, we will love it also, but this restaurant, which is located in Sg Wang makes me wonder...

过咸. Too salty.

番茄酱太酸了, 而且没有香料味, 面也太棉.
The sauce is too sour, I cant taste the herbs n the noodles r too soft.

炒饭还不错. The fried rice is okay.

汤圆还好, 但汤汁太多姜了, 完全没有黑糖的香味.
The "tong yun" is ok, but the soup r tasteless with too many gingers.

幸好鸳鸯还蛮好喝. Fortunately, the "Yun Yong" is good.

Monday, January 18, 2010

椰林和日出のCoconut Garden to Sun Rise

原本学校旁是一片椰林, 为我们遮挡了不少猛烈的阳光. 学校也曾经被称为"椰林中的小学". 可惜的是几年前校旁的地主为了种菜(到现在也变成了种野草), 狠心的把一片椰林给铲除掉! 可爱的椰林没了, 我们也不能做什么, 也只能每天观赏浩大的天空.
Few years ago, right beside my school there was a beautiful "coconut garden". All those coconut trees gave us shade for many years n we were grateful for that. However, few years ago the owner decided to plant some vege, so he (I think), with a heart of stone, cleared out all the coconut tree cruelly.

从酱... So from these...

变到酱. To this.

基本上每天都能欣赏到日出, 而且每天都会换上不同的面貌, 让人惊叹.
Although we lost our precious coconut garden but we have a clear n big sky. We can c sun rise everyday.

应该是相机的问题, 感觉上象日落多过象日出.
Look like sun set instead of sun rise, rit?

天色每一刻都不停的转换, 也有如人生一样, 你不停下来看一看, 想一想, 你不会发觉它的美. 人生多重折磨, 过去依然是过去, 要懂得珍惜, 懂得在不好中找寻美好.
The sky changes at every second, just like our life. U nid to stop awhile to observe, to think, to admire every moment u have. Although sometime life is sux, but bygone will still b bygone, important thing is we shld not magnify them, we shld c the good side in the bad ^^

Thanx that we still have some coconut tress left.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

中国之旅-无锡灵山胜境のChina-Wu Xi, Ling Shan Shen Di

去了中国几个地方, 最喜欢的是无锡的灵山胜境, 是国家AAAAA级旅游景区. 当巴士远远的接近灵山胜境时, 大家已经可以清楚的看到雄伟端严的灵山大佛.
China, here is the spot I like the most, the Wu Xi, Ling Shan Shen Di. A VERY big Buddha that U can see when U at afar.

灵山梵宫, 此地的'特', 外观以华藏塔风格为主, 糅合了中国佛教石窟艺术和传统佛教建筑元素.
Ling Shan Fan Gong, a very beautiful structure that combined Chinese Buddhist grotto art and traditional Buddhist architectual elements. Ling Shan Fan Gong also known as the East Place, the Vatican's "Louvre".

在进入梵宫内前, 大家必须套上脚套, 以防擦花及弄脏地板.
B4 U enter the palace, U nid 2 wear the shoes cover so that U won't scratch n dirty the floor.

进入了廊厅, 色彩变幻的金丝楠木拱顶及一幅幅巨大的油画, 表现了世界佛教传法. 你只能有一个反应, 哇~~~
When U enter, the view is breath-takin, what U can do is only open ur mouth n Wow~~~

Fine n look alive statues.

驰名的青花瓷, 据闻单单一种颜色的深浅变化, 就需要烧俩万次了.
Famous Blue and White Porcelain, just a single colour with tones, they have to be burnt for almost 20 thousands times.

精湛的东阳木雕. Dong Yang Wood Cravin Art.

走入塔厅, 更被此景吓到. 厅内空间宏大, 气势磅礴, 美不胜收.
The top of the great dome of the palace is divine n magnificient.

塔下正中央有个记号, 以让游客准确的拍摄到塔内的天境.
Right under the dome, there is a mark for the tourists to put their cameras so that they can take the photo of the top accurately.

60米高天顶气势逼人, 金蓝俩色互相替换. 仰望着,恍若置身于浩瀚的宇宙之中,绮丽而唯美.
More than a thousand lights by usin the LED technology, the dome is aesthetic n made us feel like bein in a universe.

镇馆之宝- 巨制琉璃浮雕华藏世界. 最昂贵的不是玛瑙, 翡翠或是纯金的毗卢舍那佛, 而是背景的琉璃浮雕, 耗时耗力.
The greatest treasure in the place- the HuaCangShiJie Colour Glass. Decorated withe pure gold n jewels, but the most precious is the colour glass at the back that used a lot of times n man power to produce.

出口的塔顶都很美. Every dome has its beauty.

接着就去到此地的'奇', 九龙灌浴. 这是演说佛驼出世的情景.
A show that playin abt the scene of the born of Buddha.

在一旁有很多排的转经轮. A lot of the wheel of merit at the side.

灵山大佛的手掌. 为何放在这里? 以让游客有个对照灵山大佛是如何的大.
How big is the Buddha statue? Look at the hand!

灵山大佛, 佛大山灵. The statues is made of copper.

大佛的脚趾. Big toes

佛脚下的无敌景色. Great scenery from under the Buddha's feet.

幽静的四周. Peaceful n comfortable.

圣诞红? Is this the fruit we always c durin X'mas?

一些漂亮的野花, 朵朵都开的多茂盛. The flowers beside the roads r eye-catchin.

幸好当天没下雪, 不然很多美景都会错过.
Thanx God that that day didn't snow, if not we will miss the nice view at there.