Monday, January 18, 2010

椰林和日出のCoconut Garden to Sun Rise

原本学校旁是一片椰林, 为我们遮挡了不少猛烈的阳光. 学校也曾经被称为"椰林中的小学". 可惜的是几年前校旁的地主为了种菜(到现在也变成了种野草), 狠心的把一片椰林给铲除掉! 可爱的椰林没了, 我们也不能做什么, 也只能每天观赏浩大的天空.
Few years ago, right beside my school there was a beautiful "coconut garden". All those coconut trees gave us shade for many years n we were grateful for that. However, few years ago the owner decided to plant some vege, so he (I think), with a heart of stone, cleared out all the coconut tree cruelly.

从酱... So from these...

变到酱. To this.

基本上每天都能欣赏到日出, 而且每天都会换上不同的面貌, 让人惊叹.
Although we lost our precious coconut garden but we have a clear n big sky. We can c sun rise everyday.

应该是相机的问题, 感觉上象日落多过象日出.
Look like sun set instead of sun rise, rit?

天色每一刻都不停的转换, 也有如人生一样, 你不停下来看一看, 想一想, 你不会发觉它的美. 人生多重折磨, 过去依然是过去, 要懂得珍惜, 懂得在不好中找寻美好.
The sky changes at every second, just like our life. U nid to stop awhile to observe, to think, to admire every moment u have. Although sometime life is sux, but bygone will still b bygone, important thing is we shld not magnify them, we shld c the good side in the bad ^^

Thanx that we still have some coconut tress left.

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