Wednesday, June 3, 2009

NewZealand Natural 雪糕店

NewZealand Natural雪糕店, 其中一间位于Centro Mall, Klang的分行, 备有沙发桌椅, 让人能歇一歇, 享受一下雪糕.
NewZealand Natural Ice Cream, located in Klang Centro Mall, provided sofa n table, for the customers to rest and enjoy the ice cream.

店内有卖多过十种口味的雪糕, 有点眼花缭乱了......
There r more than 10 types of ice cream for U to choose, so hard to choose...@@

买了大罐装, 3大粒雪糕, 每一粒有将近3/4拳头大小. 3种口味, 较黄的是优格芒果百香果, 米色的是香烤澳洲胡桃或火山豆, 而青色的是薄荷巧克力碎. 澳洲胡桃的十分特别而且美味, 强力推荐.
We bought a large cup, 3 big scoops of ice cream, each of them almost like 3/4 of the fist. 3 different flavours, the yellow one is yogurt+mango+passionfruit, the beige one is creamy macadania with roasted Australian macadania nuts and the green one is peppermint with choc chips. The macadania is very tasty and stron in flavour, strongly recommended.

大罐装大约RM16+. 这里的服务不赖, 服务生在我们买了雪糕后(自助)还会端上白开水.
Large, around RM16+. The service here is not bad, after we bought the ice cream (self service), the waiter served some plain water to us.


Anonymous said...



ahcheap said...

hohoho, now have to 戒口 lo......

Anonymous said...

