Thursday, October 23, 2008


不知不觉, 英华华小已经60大寿了. 虽然我才在这里教了3年, 但已可感受到这里的热诚及热情. 学校名声渐好, 学生也越来越多. 明年将会面临缺乏课室的问题. 现在学校只有一栋3层, 9间课室的校舍及两间从音乐室和生技室改装的旧课室.

明年学校将会开10班, 科学室及多用途中心将会充当临时课室. 如果新校舍建不成的话, 后年将会要用到container了或更坏的分上下午班制.


prince~k said...

can you atleast make some efforts?? translate la... how on earth can we (irece, kok whye, woochiat, shook harn etc) read??

WoeiKang said...

Haha, brother, is time to learn Chinese lo~

ahcheap said...

I will try my best. and pls do correct it for me if I make mistake, U all knw my English level >.<

Mochamug said...

is not easy to learn easier for cikgu to use bilanguage :-0