Monday, June 29, 2009

大阪日本餐厅★Osaka Japanese Restaurant

大阪日本餐厅, 一间纯日本美食餐馆.
Osaka Japanese Restaurant, located at Bandar Baru Klang. A purely Japanese delicacies.

鱼生!! 有三文鱼鱿鱼金枪鱼, 只要新鲜, 就一级棒了! (RM36.99)
Shashimi B!! With salmon, sotong, tuna and so on, fresh n nice! Yi Ji Bang! (RM16.99)

Look at the salmon, so temptin...

镇店招牌, 黑龙. 咸甜鳗鱼, 加上内包香脆不懂是鱿鱼还是鳗鱼, 几种滋味混在一起, 一定要试!! (RM17.99)
Their "Jiu Pai", Black Dragon. Delicious eel + crispy sotong (or eel? @@). Must try!! (RM17.99)

章鱼丸, 烤到脆的外皮, 包着味浓的章鱼, 好吃! (RM10.99)
Tako Yaki Ball a.k.a sotong ball, crispy outer layer n creamy fillin, yum yum~ (RM10.99)

鸳鸯鳗鱼卷, 还不错. (RM25.00)
Unaki SP Maki, good also. (RM25.00)

毛毛虫, 等了蛮久才生出来的. 寿司配与牛油果, 创意料理. (RM19.99)
Caterpillar Maki, wait quite long for it to born. Shushi with avocado, creative. (RM19.99)

鳕鱼, 香且嫩. (RM23.99)
Cod fish, nice to serve with rice ^^ (RM23.99)

茶碗蒸, 水嫩滑口豆腐. (RM5.50)
Chawan Mushi, soft japanese tauhu. (RM5.50)

蕎麦面, 汤底还不赖 ^^ (RM13.99)
Kake Soba, healthy n yummy~ (RM13.99)


Anonymous said...

ni lao jie

ahcheap said...
