Leaf Vegetarian, a very nice vege restaurant, just near by the Sri Malaysia Hotel. My sis chose this restaurant to celebrate the Mother's Day. Before this, I've been tried to come here twice with my parents but twice it was close, nothing I can do now...
设计贴心, 每个角落都让人置身家中.
Very pretty design, every corner makes U feel at home.
特别喜欢它外面的吊椅, 坐着享受微风, 多么自在.
I love this part of the restaurant, sittin on the chair, feelin the breeze, relaxin...
白米饭, 加了一些紫菜.
Rice with some seaweeds.
Fry vege.
咖喱羊肉, 味道十足, 但咸了些.
Curry Mutton, strong flavour but a bit salty.
芝士蒸豆腐, 滑溜溜的豆腐配与微咸的芝士.
Smooth steamed bean curd with cheeses, yummy~设计贴心, 每个角落都让人置身家中.
Very pretty design, every corner makes U feel at home.
特别喜欢它外面的吊椅, 坐着享受微风, 多么自在.
I love this part of the restaurant, sittin on the chair, feelin the breeze, relaxin...
白米饭, 加了一些紫菜.
Rice with some seaweeds.
Fry vege.
咖喱羊肉, 味道十足, 但咸了些.
Curry Mutton, strong flavour but a bit salty.
芝士蒸豆腐, 滑溜溜的豆腐配与微咸的芝士.
鱼, 但忘了是什么酱.
This is a fish, yes, it's a fish, but I forgot what sauce is it.
养身菇, 而且是店长朋友自家栽种, 保证有机及新鲜.
Fresh mushroom, freshly plucked from the tauke's friend's garden, guarantee organic.
最后配上苹果牛油果蕃茄, 健康有益.
With apples, avocadoes and baby tomatoes as dessert, healthy huh.
Lets have a look at the simple decor here.
yep, concept concept!!
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